
Different Foreclosure Types

Foreclosure issues have definitely taken center stage in the media since people want to know about housing market state and the economy as well. These days, the sub prime mortgage market has dropped and forced hundreds of homeowners into going to foreclosure. Foreclosures have increased the amount of homes on the market. There are different […]

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Hiring a Land Use Attorney

A land use attorney deals exclusively with specific laws that deal with the environment and how it affects the people within it. These laws include real property and the specifics that deal with leasing, improving, developing or purchasing it. The attorney looks at many things both inside and outside of a building that can affect […]

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What Is Indefeasibility of Title?

The conclusive nature of the register confers on the registered proprietor of an interesting Torrens title an ‘indefeasible’ title to that interest. By this term, what is meant is that a title cannot be set aside on the ground of the defect existing in the title before the interest is registered. This principle is the […]

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